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Textbooks & Supplies for 2024-2025

If you are ordering books online, use the ISBN to search for the correct edition of the book.

Subject Class Book Title Author ISBN
Science Physical Science Physical Science BJU Press 978-1591665526 or 978-1606824641
Biology Exploring Creation with Biology, 2nd Ed. Jay Wile 978-1932012545
Chemistry Exploring Creation with Chemistry, 2nd Ed. Jay Wile 978-1932012262
Physics Exploring Creation with Physics, 2nd Ed. Jay Wile 978-1932012422
Anatomy Human Body: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made or

Exploring Creation with Advanced Biology, 2nd Edition

Shannon 978-1932012095 or


Phun with Physics No textbook needed.
Math 5th Grade Math Horizons Math 5, Books 1 & 2 and

Horizons Math 5 Teacher's Edition

Alpha Omega

Alpha Omega



6th Grade Math Horizons Math 6, Books 1 & 2 and

Horizons Math 6 Teacher's Edition

Alpha Omega

Alpha Omega



Pre-Algebra Pre-Algebra BJU Press 978-159166546-5
Algebra 1 Algebra BJU Press 978-1606820452
Geometry Texas Geometry Bass & Charles 0131340220
A protractor, ruler, and bow compass. Bow Compass
Business Math Business Math Mary Hansen 978-0538448734
Algebra 2 Algebra and Trigonometry Paul Foerster 0201324601 or 978-0131657106
Pre-Calculus Precalculus with Limits, 4th Ed. Larson, Hostetler, Edwards 978-0618394807
Calculus Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, 4th edition Larson, Hostetler, Edwards 978-0618606245
Humanities Economics & Government

Economics, 2nd Edition and

American Government, 3rd Edition

BJU Press




MS History & Writing Treasure Island Robert L. Stevenson 9780486275598
10-Minute Stories from Greek Mythology: Gods, Heroes, and Monsters Joy Chester 9798857962510
How We Got to the Moon John Rocco 9780525647416
Spanish 1 Spanish 1, 3rd Ed. (Student Text) and

Spanish 1 Activities, 3rd Ed. (Workbook)

BJU Press

BJU Press



British Literature Beowulf (New Verse Translation) Seamus Heaney 9780393320978
Canterbury Tales Retold by Geraldine McCaughrean 9780140380538
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (A New Verse Translation) Simon Armitage 9780393334159
Hamlet (Shakespeare Made Easy) William Shakespeare 9780812036381
Pride and Prejudice (Thrift Edition) Jane Austen 9780486284736
Frankenstein (Thrift Edition) Mary Shelley 9780486282114
A Tale of Two Cities (Bantam Classics) Charles Dickens 9780553211764
A Study in Scarlet (Thrift Edition) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle 9780486431666
Electives SAT/ACT Prep No textbook needed
Python Coding I will send you a supply list in September
Architectural Drafting & Design Architectural Drafting & Design, 4th Ed. Jefferis and Madsen 9780766815469
Culinary Arts No book needed.